Estrategia y tactica en ajedrez pdf
Estrategia y tactica en ajedrez pdf

estrategia y tactica en ajedrez pdf estrategia y tactica en ajedrez pdf

With his f7-square defended, Black is in no immediate danger even though his position remains worse.ĩ: e5-e4 – Without this (even more brutal) resource, Black's kingside would fall apart. Black's bishop was active already and White's was just dreaming of being thrown into the fight.Ħ: Tb8-b1 – This is the strongest reaction, allowing Black to partly dismantle WHite's attacking mechanism.ħ: g7-g6 – Since Black cannot create queenside threats quickly, taking prophylactic kingside measures is best.Ĩ: Solution: Rb8-d8 – This is the right answer. And Black should play it at once, so that White does not have the time to organise his counterplay based on d4-d5.ģ: g2-g4 – This is the most principled move, restricting Black's control on the light squares and clearing space for the king.Ĥ: f7-f5 – Indeed, this was the move played by Carlsen, causing White to go wrong immediately.ĥ: d5-d6 – The most logical and strongest move. Black has to spoil his coordination in order to maintain his stability on the light squares.Ģ: g7-g5 – This is the best plan, as it undermines White's stability on the dark squares. The pawn on d5 does not have the natural support of a colleague. Teoría y práctica.ġ: 33.c4! This strong move reveals the main drawback of. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Desde principiantes hasta grandes maestros.ĬhessBase Magazine ¡Suscripción anual y bono de regalo 40€! En juegan a diario unos 20.000 ajedrecistas de todo el mundo.

estrategia y tactica en ajedrez pdf

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Estrategia y tactica en ajedrez pdf